Mosquitoes Breeding In Your Pond? Follow These Tips, and Call A Pro
- Posted by haggerty
- On November 27, 2012
- boca raton, mosquito larvae, mosquitoes, natural predators, South Florida, standing water
Mosquitoes can really make life miserable, can’t they? Especially if you have a backyard water feature. Because mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, anything around your home that holds water — from landscaping ponds to gutters — has the potential to become a breeding ground for these annoying insects.
And since mosquito eggs hatch in two days and can reach maturity in less than a week, you can easily find yourself invaded by these biting machines.
If you have mosquitoes breeding in your pond or if you’ve noticed an increased number of them immediately around your home, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the population.
Eliminate standing water
Removing a pond isn’t a practical (or desirable) way to deal with mosquitoes, but you can be sure to remove other sources of water near your home. Empty out any buckets or planters in the yard that tend to collect rainwater. Keep gutters clean and debris-free so that water can flow freely. Don’t keep old tires or barrels out in the open — they tend to collect and shelter water, making a prime mosquito habitat.
Keep water flowing
If you’ve noticed mosquitoes breeding in your pond, consider adding an aerator or fountain. Moving water isn’t a good spot for mosquitoes to lay their eggs and they will avoid it. By adding some circulation, you can greatly reduce the chances of an infestation.
Use natural predators
Encourage mosquitoes’ natural predators. Bats can eat up to 600 adult mosquitoes in a single hour. Why not invite them into your yard by hanging a bat house on the edge of the property? Likewise, stocking your pond with fish that eat mosquito larvae can have a big impact on the number of mosquitoes you have to deal with.
Call the professionals
A professional exterminator like Haggerty Pest Service is another great way to manage mosquitoes around your home. We can provide expert advice on how to eliminate potential breeding grounds, and apply regular controls to ensure that your yard stays mosquito-free. Contact us today to learn about our year-round service plans.